Friday, 14 February 2014

Monday, 10 February 2014

Tip #454: Passive characters

in language... subjects act, objects are acted upon

Do you want your protagonist to be the subject or the object of your story?

Are your female characters subjects or objects?

Friday, 7 February 2014

Tip #453: On research

On Research... Books are not there to show how intelligent {the author is}. Books are there to show your soul.

This doesn't mean no research is ever necessary: it shows something about your soul if you write about a different culture or something else you know little about and choose not to research.

Note: Oops, this one got published a little early - enjoy!

Monday, 3 February 2014

Tip #452: On fear & criticism

no matter what you do with your life someone will criticize you. Cashier? Waiter? Truck driver? Someone isn't going to like something that you did. Some people were born to be d***s.

So fuhgeddaboutit. Write, be criticized, and keep writing. If you're going to be criticized, be criticized for telling your own stories/doing your own thing.